1. Open the Bitwyre app and log in using your email and password.
2. Click on the “Holdings” section located in the bottom left corner, then click “Send” to withdraw your coin.
3. Select the coin you wish to withdraw.
4. Select “Select Recipient Address” to define the destination. If none is available, you can add a new address by clicking the “Add New Address” button and following the instructions (Ensure that the network and address you input match the destination wallet).
5. Enter the amount you wish to withdraw, then slide the “Slide to Send” button to transfer your coin and click “Confirm”.
6. Please check your registered email for the PIN verification and enter the PIN to complete the withdrawal.
7. Click the “Request PIN” button and check your registered email for the PIN.
8. Enter the PIN received via email and input the 2FA code if you have enabled it, then click “Confirm”.
9. You can view the status of your withdrawal by clicking “See Activity” and periodically checking the destination wallet.