1. Open the latest version of the Bitwyre app on your device.
2. Click the “Sign Up” button and enter your active email address for registration. If you have a referral code, enter it in the designated field (optional), then click the “Sign Up” button.
3. Click the “Sign Up” button and enter the verification code sent to your email, then click “Submit”.
4. Create a strong password and re-enter it for confirmation. Your password must meet the following criteria:
- At least 8 characters long,
- Includes uppercase and lowercase letters,
- Contains numbers,
Includes special characters (e.g., @, #, !, %).
5. Read Bitwyre’s Terms and Conditions, then click the “Ok, Understood” button to agree.
6. Complete the identity verification (KYC) process or select “Skip Now” if you prefer to do it later. You can proceed with KYC at any time by clicking the “Skip Now” button.
7. Please note that KYC verification is required to conduct transactions on Bitwyre.